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Product Portfolio

With rich industry experience, we have emerged as one of the reputed manufacturers and suppliers of hot rolling machines, cold rolling machines and E.O.T. cranes. Designed in compliance with international quality standards, these find wide application for precision functioning. Backed by advanced technology and experts, we have successfully exported steel rolling mill plants to Bangladesh, Nigeria, Cameroon, Sri Lanka, Ghana, Nepal through M/s. Rishab Inducto and M/s. Shobha International, Delhi."> Category
Subcategory Hot Rolling Machine
Fly Wheel Assembly
Pulley Assembly
Reduction Gear Box
Speed Increaser
Pinion Stand
Steel Rolling Mill Stand
Hot Saw Machine
Gear Couplings
Straightening Machines
Shearing Machine for hot rolled
Roller Conveyor
Forged Rolls
Automatic Cooling Bed
Speed Reducer
Cold Rolling Machine
Reduction Gear Box for Cold Rolling Machine
Pinion Stand for Cold Roll Machine
Steel Rolling Mill Stand for Cold Roll Machine
Gear Couplings for Cold Roll
Shearing Machines
Forged Rolls
E.O.T. Cranes E.O.T. Cranes

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Aar Kay Associates